school starting again (and me not having any classes -- hooray!) reminded me that i probably need to get a new email address. i'm pretty sure UNCG is going to close my account sometime soon so better safe than sorry. my new email address is:
if you also need our new mailing address, just email me and i will send it to you.
we love you lots! --Will & Lindsey
Tuesday, August 30
little clothes, big laundry pile.
i don't know how this is possible. oh wait, yes i do -- i'm addicted to buying baby clothes. i began the process of organizing Audrey's closet and unpacking and organizing clothes last night to start baby laundry. Will's mom also asked me to do inventory and see what size we should start shopping for next...i think we both have an addiction! after an hour of pulling off tags and piling everything together in the crib, i started to run out of room. the crib was overflowing so i had to start using a hamper for the last few things.
i think it's safe to say that we don't need anymore blankets, newborn, 3 month, and 6 month clothes! it actually works out pretty well because her 9 month clothes will fit her next summer so hopefully i'll be able to stock up now that all of the summer outfits have started going on clearance. 12 month clothes will fit her next fall so i can just pick those up when all of the new collections come out!
i'm glad i'm starting on the baby laundry now while i still have the energy! pregnancy insomnia has slowly taken over my life. what started out as just a few occurances, has turned into a nightly problem. i can't get comfortable and i hear every little noise. i tend to sleep best after 4 am, that is until the neighbor's dogs wake me up. she has three boxer/pit mixes that she keeps in a small pen in her backyard. every morning at 8 am she brings them outside and puts them in the pen for the remainder of the day. it wouldn't be a big deal if they didn't bark constantly. they bark and everything. cars, each other, and i guess the air because it just never stops. this 8 am rude awakening even happens on saturday and sunday mornings. there is no escape. a few weekends ago after a particularly rough night, i woke up to 'bark! bark! bark! bark!' as usual at 8 am. i got up, put on jeans and a t-shirt, and left without saying a word to Will. i walked up to the neighbor's front door and knocked on it very calmly. then.... i unleashed the wrath of a tired, cranky pregnant lady. it went a little something like this...
"hello. i live next door and i don't know if you realize this or not but your dogs wake us up every single day at 8 am. they bark constantly. we've lived here for a while now and we've tolerated it so far, but this cannot go on. in two months we are going to have a newborn baby in our house and if you cannot get your dogs under control and keep the noise down you're going to have some serious problems. waking me and my husband up is one thing, but waking up our new baby is quite another. i will make calls, and i will not stop until the barking stops. sleep deprived parents will be your worst nightmare."
i then turned around and walked away. she didn't even have a chance to speak. could i have handled it better? probably, but that is what awesome husbands are for. things were better for a few days after that but then it started up again so Will went over there to try a more civil approach, and also apologize for his crazy wife's behavior :)
but as it turns out, i'm not the crazy one! the woman is in some paradise of denial because she told Will that it wasn't her dogs that barked like that, it was the dogs across the street (wrong). she said that they are good dogs and never bark so we are complaining to the wrong person (again, wrong). she then changed tactics and begged him not to get her dogs taken away from her (which is not our intent, we just want some bark collars and discipline please!) because they are her watch dogs. she told him how her husband committed suicide a few months ago but people believe that she actually was the one who killed him, so her dogs protect her from her accusers (from their pen in the backyard? hmm). Will was very patient and tried to reason with her, but gave up after thirty minutes or so. she must have taken to him more than he intended because a few days later a love letter showed up at the house from her asking if he would be the positive male influence in her and her dogs lives that they so badly needed since her husband is no longer around. she has yet to receive a reply :) we are still trying to be patient but she is still continuously violating the noise ordinance for the town we live in and i will not tolerate anything disturbing Audrey's sleep patterns when she arrives. any suggestions on how to handle this without drawing enemy lines would be appreciated!
Will is in Pennsylvania this week and i am in baby project heaven. it's so much fun working on getting things ready for her and it's also nice for Will to come home and see the progress made instead of the mess that i create along the way. i've never looked forward to doing laundry before and all of those teeny tiny clothes have somehow made a big laundry pile!
i think it's safe to say that we don't need anymore blankets, newborn, 3 month, and 6 month clothes! it actually works out pretty well because her 9 month clothes will fit her next summer so hopefully i'll be able to stock up now that all of the summer outfits have started going on clearance. 12 month clothes will fit her next fall so i can just pick those up when all of the new collections come out!
i'm glad i'm starting on the baby laundry now while i still have the energy! pregnancy insomnia has slowly taken over my life. what started out as just a few occurances, has turned into a nightly problem. i can't get comfortable and i hear every little noise. i tend to sleep best after 4 am, that is until the neighbor's dogs wake me up. she has three boxer/pit mixes that she keeps in a small pen in her backyard. every morning at 8 am she brings them outside and puts them in the pen for the remainder of the day. it wouldn't be a big deal if they didn't bark constantly. they bark and everything. cars, each other, and i guess the air because it just never stops. this 8 am rude awakening even happens on saturday and sunday mornings. there is no escape. a few weekends ago after a particularly rough night, i woke up to 'bark! bark! bark! bark!' as usual at 8 am. i got up, put on jeans and a t-shirt, and left without saying a word to Will. i walked up to the neighbor's front door and knocked on it very calmly. then.... i unleashed the wrath of a tired, cranky pregnant lady. it went a little something like this...
"hello. i live next door and i don't know if you realize this or not but your dogs wake us up every single day at 8 am. they bark constantly. we've lived here for a while now and we've tolerated it so far, but this cannot go on. in two months we are going to have a newborn baby in our house and if you cannot get your dogs under control and keep the noise down you're going to have some serious problems. waking me and my husband up is one thing, but waking up our new baby is quite another. i will make calls, and i will not stop until the barking stops. sleep deprived parents will be your worst nightmare."
i then turned around and walked away. she didn't even have a chance to speak. could i have handled it better? probably, but that is what awesome husbands are for. things were better for a few days after that but then it started up again so Will went over there to try a more civil approach, and also apologize for his crazy wife's behavior :)
but as it turns out, i'm not the crazy one! the woman is in some paradise of denial because she told Will that it wasn't her dogs that barked like that, it was the dogs across the street (wrong). she said that they are good dogs and never bark so we are complaining to the wrong person (again, wrong). she then changed tactics and begged him not to get her dogs taken away from her (which is not our intent, we just want some bark collars and discipline please!) because they are her watch dogs. she told him how her husband committed suicide a few months ago but people believe that she actually was the one who killed him, so her dogs protect her from her accusers (from their pen in the backyard? hmm). Will was very patient and tried to reason with her, but gave up after thirty minutes or so. she must have taken to him more than he intended because a few days later a love letter showed up at the house from her asking if he would be the positive male influence in her and her dogs lives that they so badly needed since her husband is no longer around. she has yet to receive a reply :) we are still trying to be patient but she is still continuously violating the noise ordinance for the town we live in and i will not tolerate anything disturbing Audrey's sleep patterns when she arrives. any suggestions on how to handle this without drawing enemy lines would be appreciated!
Will is in Pennsylvania this week and i am in baby project heaven. it's so much fun working on getting things ready for her and it's also nice for Will to come home and see the progress made instead of the mess that i create along the way. i've never looked forward to doing laundry before and all of those teeny tiny clothes have somehow made a big laundry pile!
Monday, August 29
big fish.
i've been wanting to brag write about this since last week but have completely lost track of time...until tonight! Will and i are not usually too competitive in a general sense....but a couple mondays ago i decided to challenge him to a fishing contest. it turned into a pretty big deal throughout the day and Will thought it was pretty humorous when i started "acting feisty" and talking about how bad i was going to beat him at his own sport. we got out on the lake and after a couple hours were stuck at a tie score of 2-2. we decided to continue the contest on friday when he came back from his business trip.
there are really no words for what happened between us that friday. i've never seen him so focused. we normally chat and relax together, but not that day. he barely said two words for me as we headed away from the dock. it was pretty funny to see him so worked up! we went back and forth for the next couple hours and kept a pretty close score at 5-5 as we rounded into the final cove of the lake. we decided to end it at first person to 7 fish won the championship. the winner got a 10 minute back rub and choice of restaurant and movie (thanks for the Fandango card Aunt Lynda!) for date night.
guess who caught two big ones back to back and went on to win the contest?
me!! and despite his competitiveness, Will was actually really proud of me and even told some friends at work how awesome his wife is at fishing.
and as a tribute to how talented and great my husband truly is at fishing, here's a picture of the giant he caught yesterday morning:
Will guessed he weighed about 6-7lbs. and was definitely the biggest we've caught out at my dad's lake. he put up a fight and i didn't realize how big he really was until Will got him to the surface. even a few strangers called out to us and said that was the biggest fish they had seen anyone catch out there! it was a fun weekend! i'll be really sad when i can't go out on the boat anymore in a few weeks.
in baby news... all is well with baby Boatright! she gave us a little scare on friday morning with barely any movement and some fakie (but painful) contractions the night before. we got strapped in to the non-stress test machine for what seemed like forever and waited for Audrey to let us know everything was alright. she did, but took her sweet time doing so! i was thankful that Will was able to be there with me.
here's the latest in the baby bump department... a stranger stopped me at the store yesterday to tell me how great i looked and that i was "all baby." she couldn't believe i was due in only a couple months. it completely made my day :)
we did some more unpacking and organizing at the house this weekend and also put the crib together! i love walking past her room now and seeing it all set up. i've even caught Will pausing to look in a few times and it makes me smile :) here are some pictures of Audrey's pink elephant themed room...

we ran a few errands yesterday and got some things for little projects that i like to work on and keep busy with when Will is out of town. one of my projects for this week is to start washing all of the baby blankets, bedding, and outfits. to do this, we had to get a laundry detergent that is safe to use with sensitive baby skin. as simple of a task as this sounds like, Will and i ended up spending about 10 minutes standing in front of the laundry detergent at the store having a conversation that went a little like this...
me: (holding a bottle of Dreft baby detergent) "this is specifically for babies but it's really expensive and we'd still have to get a whole separate bottle for our stuff so why don't we just get one kind that we all can use."
Will: (looking bored) "okay sounds good."
me: (holding a bottle of Tide Free & Gentle detergent) "this stuff is like normal detergent but it doesn't have any dyes or perfumes in it so it's safe to use on baby stuff and we can use it for our stuff too."
Will: (now looking concerned) "wait but i like the stuff we normally use."
me: "i know, i do too but this kind works just the same. the only difference is that it doesn't have a color or smell so it's safe to wash Audrey's things in.'
Will: "but i don't want my clothes to smell like a baby!"
me: ?????
i couldn't help but laugh. a few strangers who happened to walk past us during our enlightening new parent conversation also had a few laughs at our expense. it was pretty humorous. i still don't think he's completely convinced that his upcoming laundry won't come out smelling like a baby. he still looked pretty skeptical when i put it in the cart. i love him.
there are really no words for what happened between us that friday. i've never seen him so focused. we normally chat and relax together, but not that day. he barely said two words for me as we headed away from the dock. it was pretty funny to see him so worked up! we went back and forth for the next couple hours and kept a pretty close score at 5-5 as we rounded into the final cove of the lake. we decided to end it at first person to 7 fish won the championship. the winner got a 10 minute back rub and choice of restaurant and movie (thanks for the Fandango card Aunt Lynda!) for date night.
guess who caught two big ones back to back and went on to win the contest?
me!! and despite his competitiveness, Will was actually really proud of me and even told some friends at work how awesome his wife is at fishing.
and as a tribute to how talented and great my husband truly is at fishing, here's a picture of the giant he caught yesterday morning:
Will guessed he weighed about 6-7lbs. and was definitely the biggest we've caught out at my dad's lake. he put up a fight and i didn't realize how big he really was until Will got him to the surface. even a few strangers called out to us and said that was the biggest fish they had seen anyone catch out there! it was a fun weekend! i'll be really sad when i can't go out on the boat anymore in a few weeks.
in baby news... all is well with baby Boatright! she gave us a little scare on friday morning with barely any movement and some fakie (but painful) contractions the night before. we got strapped in to the non-stress test machine for what seemed like forever and waited for Audrey to let us know everything was alright. she did, but took her sweet time doing so! i was thankful that Will was able to be there with me.
here's the latest in the baby bump department... a stranger stopped me at the store yesterday to tell me how great i looked and that i was "all baby." she couldn't believe i was due in only a couple months. it completely made my day :)
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29 weeks! |
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30 weeks! |

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matching pink elephant Wubbanub that we found at a little gift shop in Waycross! :) |
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a sample of items that Will's mom sent for Audrey -- she is so talented!! |
me: (holding a bottle of Dreft baby detergent) "this is specifically for babies but it's really expensive and we'd still have to get a whole separate bottle for our stuff so why don't we just get one kind that we all can use."
Will: (looking bored) "okay sounds good."
me: (holding a bottle of Tide Free & Gentle detergent) "this stuff is like normal detergent but it doesn't have any dyes or perfumes in it so it's safe to use on baby stuff and we can use it for our stuff too."
Will: (now looking concerned) "wait but i like the stuff we normally use."
me: "i know, i do too but this kind works just the same. the only difference is that it doesn't have a color or smell so it's safe to wash Audrey's things in.'
Will: "but i don't want my clothes to smell like a baby!"
me: ?????
i couldn't help but laugh. a few strangers who happened to walk past us during our enlightening new parent conversation also had a few laughs at our expense. it was pretty humorous. i still don't think he's completely convinced that his upcoming laundry won't come out smelling like a baby. he still looked pretty skeptical when i put it in the cart. i love him.
Thursday, August 11
88 days.
i cannot believe our little Audrey will be here in 3 months! i couldn't believe it when my countdown timer read that there are only 88 days left, as of this morning. time is flying by! if you need me, i will be hiding in my closet :)
it seems as though i've gone into hiding already. pregnancy has made me somewhat anti-social (something about being bloated, cranky, and tired tends to make me that way) so i apologize if you have been worried or concerned about me and thanks for the text messages and phone calls.
the three of us are all doing fine, just trying to get ready -- financially, emotionally, and (me) physically for our sweet baby girl's arrival. the first step in doing this was to suck it up and go to Babies R Us to put a few things on our registry since we have had some inquiries lately. all the way to the store i gave Will the "pep talk" about how it might be overwhelming but let's just take it one aisle at a time, blah, blah, blah. i even let him be in charge of the registry gun. not thirty minutes into it, guess who go overwhelmed and had to leave immediately? me! we tossed the gun back at the lady and high-tailed it for the car! i had done a little bit of peeking around and some light research so i would feel prepared when i was in there but nothing can prepare a new parent for the floor to ceiling choices and "necessities" that you cannot survive parenthood without. it made me feel like i had gotten myself into something way over my head. of course, after common sense kicked in and i received some words of reassurance from friends and family i felt fine. whew!
i did the rest of the registry online and have not been back since. (although Will got to visit the Augusta store with his aunt (Nanny) when he was in the area for business and she sent him back with Audrey's car seat, a "baby snuggie," and a rubber ducky bath thermometer -- thank you again Nanny!) so for those of you who have asked...sorry for the delay and nervous sweating but we are now officially registered at Target and Babies R Us.
at my last few doctor appointments, Audrey has been right on track for growth and all is well for her. she is still breech and prefers to play on the right side of my belly. so much so that this is what i woke up to this morning:
a completely lopsided baby belly! even my belly button (still rockin the innie - woohoo!) has stretched out to the left to accomodate her. she is so strong and likes to play around in there ALL THE TIME! 4 am when i'm trying to sleep? oh yes. 2 pm during my presentation at work? you bet. (i got a lot of strange looks while i was standing up there -- you can SEE her moving around in there through my shirt from far away apparently haha) she is especially active whenever i'm around Will in the evening. that girl loves her dad's voice and hops, skips, and jumps whenever he is near. he sings her "the unicorn song" (from the movie Despicable Me) and it's so funny to see her respond to his 'singing.'
Aunt Kim gave me the best compliment and told me that i'm not nearly as big in person as i look in pictures. i wonder how many pounds the camera adds to pregnant women then? :) here i am at 26 weeks...
and at 27 weeks...
if you are confused by the background of these pictures i am in the bathroom at work. all of the mirrors in our new house are too high up for me to see myself so i spend most of my days not really knowing what i look like. ahh, life is great when you are 5'2" no? :)
we had a great time at dinner with my dad and brother last weekend. sitting in the kitchen with Will and as usual he was making fun of me in his 'Lindsey voice.' i think it's hilarious but i guess i never really thought of how girly my husband sounds when he is making fun of me until my dad came in and asked if Sara was there!! Will was a little embarrassed to admit that no, that was not Sara, it was HIM doing his impression of me! i don't know if we're gonna let him live that one down for a while haha
Audrey's crib arrived today and Will made a deal with me that if we could go fishing on Saturday, he would put everything together on Sunday. i'm really excited to see our nursery start to come together. thank you again to Will's parents for sending us such a beautiful gift. we are STILL unpacking but hopefully this weekend we'll finish a lot of it so i can finally show off our new place. we love the house and i think that it's going to be perfect for our little family of three.
it seems as though i've gone into hiding already. pregnancy has made me somewhat anti-social (something about being bloated, cranky, and tired tends to make me that way) so i apologize if you have been worried or concerned about me and thanks for the text messages and phone calls.
the three of us are all doing fine, just trying to get ready -- financially, emotionally, and (me) physically for our sweet baby girl's arrival. the first step in doing this was to suck it up and go to Babies R Us to put a few things on our registry since we have had some inquiries lately. all the way to the store i gave Will the "pep talk" about how it might be overwhelming but let's just take it one aisle at a time, blah, blah, blah. i even let him be in charge of the registry gun. not thirty minutes into it, guess who go overwhelmed and had to leave immediately? me! we tossed the gun back at the lady and high-tailed it for the car! i had done a little bit of peeking around and some light research so i would feel prepared when i was in there but nothing can prepare a new parent for the floor to ceiling choices and "necessities" that you cannot survive parenthood without. it made me feel like i had gotten myself into something way over my head. of course, after common sense kicked in and i received some words of reassurance from friends and family i felt fine. whew!
i did the rest of the registry online and have not been back since. (although Will got to visit the Augusta store with his aunt (Nanny) when he was in the area for business and she sent him back with Audrey's car seat, a "baby snuggie," and a rubber ducky bath thermometer -- thank you again Nanny!) so for those of you who have asked...sorry for the delay and nervous sweating but we are now officially registered at Target and Babies R Us.
at my last few doctor appointments, Audrey has been right on track for growth and all is well for her. she is still breech and prefers to play on the right side of my belly. so much so that this is what i woke up to this morning:
a completely lopsided baby belly! even my belly button (still rockin the innie - woohoo!) has stretched out to the left to accomodate her. she is so strong and likes to play around in there ALL THE TIME! 4 am when i'm trying to sleep? oh yes. 2 pm during my presentation at work? you bet. (i got a lot of strange looks while i was standing up there -- you can SEE her moving around in there through my shirt from far away apparently haha) she is especially active whenever i'm around Will in the evening. that girl loves her dad's voice and hops, skips, and jumps whenever he is near. he sings her "the unicorn song" (from the movie Despicable Me) and it's so funny to see her respond to his 'singing.'
Aunt Kim gave me the best compliment and told me that i'm not nearly as big in person as i look in pictures. i wonder how many pounds the camera adds to pregnant women then? :) here i am at 26 weeks...
and at 27 weeks...
if you are confused by the background of these pictures i am in the bathroom at work. all of the mirrors in our new house are too high up for me to see myself so i spend most of my days not really knowing what i look like. ahh, life is great when you are 5'2" no? :)
we had a great time at dinner with my dad and brother last weekend. sitting in the kitchen with Will and as usual he was making fun of me in his 'Lindsey voice.' i think it's hilarious but i guess i never really thought of how girly my husband sounds when he is making fun of me until my dad came in and asked if Sara was there!! Will was a little embarrassed to admit that no, that was not Sara, it was HIM doing his impression of me! i don't know if we're gonna let him live that one down for a while haha
Audrey's crib arrived today and Will made a deal with me that if we could go fishing on Saturday, he would put everything together on Sunday. i'm really excited to see our nursery start to come together. thank you again to Will's parents for sending us such a beautiful gift. we are STILL unpacking but hopefully this weekend we'll finish a lot of it so i can finally show off our new place. we love the house and i think that it's going to be perfect for our little family of three.
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