i have also been counting down the days until our anatomy scan. perhaps one of the most exciting parts of being pregnant in today's wonderful world of technology is having the ability to look inside myself and see what is going on in there with our little Baby B. the anatomy scan is the motherload of all ultrasounds. it is the longest, and most detailed scan of them all and i am so looking forward to it. anatomy scan also means we will be finding out if Baby B is a boy or a girl. here is what outcome is looking like at the moment:
symptoms: virtually none. except my face looks like a pepperoni pizza and the fatigue seems to be getting worse and worse. the promise of energy in the second trimester has been deceiving thus far. oh, and i'm really cranky too. poor Will.
-- could be boy or girl
distribution: i'm carrying "all over" aka my arms, legs, and face are *ehm* expanding along with my growing baby bump.
-- girl
old wive's tales: i haven't really gotten sucked into this genre of gender guessing. although i did cave and let my contract rep at work do the string test with a needle and wedding band on me last week. and that was only because she asked really nicely, several times. and because she said that she has been right the past 7 out of 8 guesses. both times, the needle/band made circles (which is said to mean it's a girl)
-- girl
aunt debbie: my aunt gave me a once over a few weeks ago and declared girl. i trust her. she was a firm believer that sara was a girl, even when everyone else guessed boy. as we all know, aunt debbie won that one.
me: i truly and deeply believe this baby is a girl. i have thought girl for a while now and that feeling has grown even stronger as i approach halftime. but does mothers intuition really exist? or do i think it's a girl solely because that's what i want the baby to be? i guess we will find out.
-- girl
husband: Will thinks it's a boy. enough said. :)
-- boy
and now for a funny pregnancy story...
Will and i were out to dinner last night. the waitress comes up to the table and tells us about a great half off any bottle of red wine special they are having. she recommends the pino noir. if you know me, you know that pino noir is my most favorite beverage in the entire world. i had my menu hiding my torso (if you would even call it that anymore hehe) and as soon as i lifted it to set it on the table she stops mid sentence and says, "oh....oh my gosh i'm sorry." why was she sorry? because i had started CRYING. ugh. the embarrassment. the awkwardness. there was plenty to go around and then some. that poor girl had no idea what to do. Will thought it was hilarious. hey! i miss having a glass of wine buddy! anyway, she comes back and i ask her what comes in the three salads they offer.
(by the way, i've moved on from pancakes and smoothies to mexican dishes and salad. mainly salad. i have an obsession with going to a lot of different places just to see if they have a cool, new salad i might fall in love with. salad bars are my hero.)
she tells me and none of them sound very good. sad, but i move on to the carbs section and am content. Will asks her about some new dish and she tells him about it, finishing her schpeal with, "and it comes with a soup or salad"
but, what i heard was, "it comes with a SUPER salad"
my eyes lit up and i looked at her with amazement and said, "what is a SUPER salad?" fully expecting her to tell me about an amazing secret salad that she had failed to inform me about earlier.
she apologized as she corrected me and cringed when the waterworks began...again.
was i completely mortified? oh yes.
could i stop it from happening? sadly no.
i made sure to leave her a very nice tip.
but other than that...i'm handling things pretty well ;)
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18 weeks |
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20 weeks |
Bunny, I'm so sorry for laughing but when you told the story about the wine, the salad, and the crying I was cracking up. You are so funny. I could just see it happening. Can you imagine being that waitress if that happened while we were at Rubys? Ha ha. I did feel bad for you though. I can only imagine all the raging hormones. You look beautiful though!