i can't believe how much Audrey is growing up right before my eyes! she may not be "big" in terms of other babies her age, but she is growing up and learning new things every day. although she hasn't yet mastered rolling over, she LOVES to sit up! if at all reclined, she will do everything possible to try to sit up and look around. unless she is sleeping, she MUST SEE EVERYTHING!!! she also loves to peek over my shoulder when i'm walking around. tonight, i put her in the crib laying on her boppy pillow and walked into the kitchen to get her bedtime bottle ready...
when i came back, this is how i found her....
of course i panicked, told her not to move (haha, right!), and grabbed the camera. i was crying, laughing, and so proud of my little big girl, determined to sit up (at only 15 weeks old) and see the big world around her.
up goes the neck |
then the shoulders and upper back |
ta-dah! |
oops, a little too far forward :) |
check me out!! |
okay, tired. i'm gonna lay back down now! |
she has also officially started TEETHING. ugh. so not such a fun thing but she isn't completely miserable....yet. just a little fussy every once in a while. i hadn't even thought that far ahead so i was lucky that my Aunt Becky did and had sent her a teething ring a couple months ago. she loves it! as soon as i got it out, she grabbed onto the handle and started rubbing it on her gums like crazy. she has two tiny little white bumps on her bottom gum. her pediatrician said it could take a couple months before they finally break through.
yum! (and yes, that is me wearing Will's Georgia pajama pants) |
another thing that is growing every day is Audrey's hair! it just gets longer and longer. i finally got this lovely shot of our baby girl's super adorable mullet!
she LOVES when i wash her hair during bath time. tonight i decided to have a little fun during bath time and styled her long locks into a mohawk :)
seriously, i'm trying to take a bath here lady! |
okay fine, i'll play along! :) |
Grandma Hammersley arrived safely on Friday night and we had a fun weekend spending time with her. Dad made a great dinner Saturday evening and worked so hard that he decided to take a little nap with Audrey while Grandma, Will, Michael, Chelsea, and i played a couple games of five kings. we had a great time and Audrey loved her snuggle/snore session with Poppa (pictures to come shortly). On Sunday, Grandma had some snuggle time with Audrey while Will and I took the boat out for my very first post-baby fishing trip. It was so great to be back out on the boat with my hubby, even though it was a little chilly. We came back just before dark and hung out with Grandma some more before meeting friends for dinner. Will left for Indiana this morning so Audrey and I just had a relaxing day at home.
To show just how much Audrey has grown and changed in the last month, here are a few pictures from our trip to Kingsland on Christmas Day... (thank you Uncle Art for taking the pictures, and Aunt Karla for emailing them to me!)
sleepy baby snuggled up with Granny Helen |
Poppa Gerald and Audrey |
BIG SMILE for Granny Helen |
i love my Kingsland family! |
love her cheeks!! |
Granny Helen was over the moon to see her first great granddaughter! |
all together :) such great memories from our trip! |
and here are a few candids of my girl in blue, taken a couple nights ago. the blue sleeper was my first baby purchase and i was convinced Audrey was a boy up until i was about 12 weeks pregnant (this theory *might* have had something to do with the fact that WILL was convinced Audrey was a boy up until the ultrasound proved otherwise). Then, all of a sudden at 12 weeks I just knew she was a girl. i even bought a few pink outfits before the ultrasound because i was so sure that she was a girl! so this is her one and only blue outfit -- it says "i love my daddy" down the front, aw. this was the last time she'll wear it because she has finally grown out of all of her newborn sized clothes!
I am off to bed! Have a fun day planned with Grandma and Audrey tomorrow!
P.S. to my aunts, uncles, and grandparents... i realized this week that the cards i had written to go out with the picture frames somehow didn't end up making it in with the packages :( so sorry! just know that we love you and are thankful for all of your support, prayers, and gifts. more on the picture i took next time!
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