8:30 am: ready for the day! check email, annoy Brooklyn (one of my co-workers) with a million texts checking inventory on some online leads, look for local photographers to re-do Audrey's professional pictures*, do dishes, start laundry, clean out fridge
10:45 am: Audrey wakes up, out of jammies, diaper change, breakfast bottle
11:00 am: playtime with Audrey - today we are back to holding different objects (spoon, ball, bow, shoe are the four we've been consistently working on) and me repeating over and over what the object is. she is getting better at repeating back to me the dominant sound which is really good for her age! ball is "ba", shoe is "ooo," bow is "ba-oh," spoon is "ooooon." we'll get there one day! i honestly don't expect her to all of a sudden develop an intricate vocabulary at the age of 10 1/2 months, but i figure a head start won't do any harm and it's better than endless non-structured activity every day :)
12:00 pm: diaper change and Audrey goes down for a nap and it's work, work, work for me :) i do take a 30 minute break to read a couple chapters of my new book
2:45 pm: Audrey wakes up, diaper change, lunch bottle
3:00 pm: saw there was a break in the rain, put my workout clothes on, annnnd it starts raining again! of course! so we head up to the store so Audrey can model some of our new Christmas items that we just got in!
![]() |
ta-dah! |
5:15 pm: i upload and edit new pictures and update our Facebook page
6:45 pm: Audrey wakes up, diaper change, and scrounge something up for her to eat for dinner (we were supposed to eat spaghetti together), i make her cheesy scrambled eggs -- she is okay with the change :)
7:30 pm: Audrey and i leave for our run! i feel better every day. my incision site still hurts, but i can feel myself getting stronger. my mile time is slowly creeping down and maybe once i'm not embarrassed at how long it takes me to huff a mile, i'll start posting my times :) running has never been my thing, but in light of recent stress and a certain scenario that has made me mad to no end, running has been therapeutic. i'm glad that i have two working legs to pound the pavement and get it all out. i always feel better afterwards! sore, yes, but better.
8:15 pm: return home, get Audrey ready for bed, get the nursery ready for Audrey to go to bed
8:30 pm: bedtime bottle, and Audrey goes to bed
8:45 pm: SHOWER!!!
9:15 pm: Will gets home from work, says he ate too much beef jerky and snacks in class and isn't hungry (*facepalm*). i fix a bowl of cereal and call it good.
9:30 pm: catch up on the day with Will, he falls asleep promptly after, i chat with some of my mom group friends and work on the exchange album
11:00 pm: go to bed
*i mentioned in my post on Tuesday that i have been trying to get in touch with the photographer who did a photo shoot with Audrey a couple months ago. there were three separate "sessions" that she shot and i've been waiting to get the disc back. after multiple attempts to contact the photographer, pick the disc up myself from Valdosta (an hour and a half away), and arrange other means to get the pictures (i really had my heart set on having them back to send out with Audrey's first birthday invitations) i finally heard back from her when she told me to leave her alone. without going into much more detail that that, i can surely tell you that i was extremely disappointed at the outcome and felt that the entire situation was very unprofessional. this was the first time we were able to have professional pictures done of Audrey. we had set aside money to have newborn pictures done at the hospital but when she ended up being in the NICU for a week, our priorities shifted. even when she got home, her hands were bruised from multiple IV lines, her heels were scabbed over from all of the blood draws, and she had tape burn on her cheek from her feeding tube. professional pictures of our little trooper in that condition wouldn't have been something that i would've looked back at and remembered in a positive light.
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