Tuesday, November 29

6 weeks.

took Audrey to her 6 week appointment this morning -- she is now 8 lbs. 8 oz., 20 inches long, and in the 20th percentile for both her height and weight! she hardly made a peep getting her shot and has been sleeping through the night for a week now ♥ this makes me a happy mama!
we got home and had a great afternoon laying in bed playing with her new activity gym. our pediatrician (who we love) said that this was a really good time to start getting her to interact with sounds and objects. since we have hardwood floors, i put the playmat on the bed and lay next to her. at first all she wanted to do was stare at me (aw, so flattered) but soon she was captivated by the purple hippo that has a rattle attached to the end. she was swinging at it and then looking at me with the funniest face, almost like she was in awe of herself. the girl cracks me up with her faces so i decided to try and capture some of them to share with you. unfortunately they are all with my camera phone, which is horrible (note to self - need to invest in a good digital camera!)  but lucky for us she is so adorable, they turned out good anyway :)
the many faces of Audrey K....

Monday, November 28


due to some last minute changes in plans for thanksgiving, Will and i headed to Augusta, GA for the holiday to see his family. we had a great time, even though Audrey and i were sick. Will's dad, brother, and sister got to meet her for the first time as well as his aunt, uncles, cousins, and grandparents. she got a ton of baby snuggles while we were there :) we even used Skype for the first time to say hi to family down in Kingsland, GA! Audrey said hello to everyone down there by promptly spitting up all over herself (and me) a few minutes into it. hopefully i'll have pictures from our trip soon as well as some pictures from Audrey's photoshoot from last weekend that Corey's sister, Lindsay, took. we had a lot of fun even though Audrey was squirmy and adorably uncooperative!

Will and i went on date night last weekend and it was amazing! My dad watched Audrey for the evening and as my Aunt Susie said, "i don't know who was more excited - you and Will or your dad!" Audrey was a doll for her Poppa and they had a good time together, although i did notice that my dad seemed extremely tired the next day - hmmmm :) Will and i went out for dinner, went on a country road truck ride, annnnnd went to bed super early! oh, how things have changed from our former date nights haha i did cry (just a little) and probably checked in on her a few times too many but i knew she was in good hands and it's important that Will and i spend time away together, especially since we don't see each other very much during the week.

and now for the best part -- pictures! i need to get better about posting these as i have been told :) more to come as i track them down! my dad also has a bunch from Audrey's first week and some randoms if anyone wants to encourage him to post his on his blog...i guess he's been "busy, or something like that."

guess what i'm doing??? :)

my little thinker

one of my favorites - i love her little smile!

my poor sick baby :(

LOVES her new swing! thank you Grandma! one of the songs it plays is Canon in D and i smile every time it comes on

loves her daddy

hahahaha i love her face, she's about to start wailing because she spit her paci out and then decided she wants it back

oh, hello!

sick, sleepy baby snuggles

Hammersley thanksgiving on Friday

sleeps just like Will :)

bath time!

don't let her face fool you, she looooves her bath!
Since she was born so early, they are going by an "adjusted age" for the first few months so they can track her milestones more appropriately. She has her "1 month" appointment tomorrow even though she'll be 6 weeks on Wednesday. praying for strength as she gets her first set of shots and hoping all of the anxiety from going through that with her when she was in the NICU stays at bay.

Wednesday, November 2

just a few pictures.

just wanted to pop in real quick like and post a few pictures of our little Audrey! i'm still recovering but finally feeling a bit 'normal' today, just very very tired! she is such a great baby but i'm still adjusting to lack of sleep and just the overall transition of taking care of a newborn. Will has been amazing. He loves taking care of her in the evenings when he is in town and giving mama a break! :) she is so snuggly and lovey with me, but much more alert and curious with him. we continue to be amazed (and amused) by our sweet daughter.

nap time! we had to go out and get preemie sized clothes once we discovered that even newborn sizes were too big! :)

my little burrito

45 minutes later, she managed to Houdini her arm out. i don't know how she does it!

tiny baby snuggles (oh yes, i have lost 30 pounds as of Monday -- 12 days postpartum!!!)

milk coma!

baby legwarmers!! (i got tons of compliments on my awesome boppy cover at the hospital, thanks Aunt Cyndi, Uncle Scott, and fam)

hmm, not sure how she feels about the bouncer just yet haha

happy halloween!!
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