Friday, December 21

survival mode.

we just can't seem to kick the sickness around here! starting a few days before Thanksgiving, i came down with some sort of cold. i think i was just doing too much and everything caught up with me. a couple days after Thanksgiving, Audrey came down with a nasty stomach flu. and when i say nasty, i mean nasty. as in, throwing away outfits, washcloths, towels, and sheets left and right. anything remotely touched by the vile coming out of both ends automatically went out, there was no coming back from that horror. i am scarred for life.

just when it seemed like the end was in sight, Will came down with it. and then i brought up the rear of our family pukefest. then, last week Audrey was pulling on her ears, whining a lot, and had a runny nose. we once again headed back to the doctor to find out she had a sinus cold and a double ear infection. started antibiotics, (which she hated so it meant holding her down and jamming a medicine dropper in her mouth while she kick wildly and screamed like we were torturing her) and she seemed to be doing better. well what do you know? two days later, i felt like a dump truck ran over me. wham. sinus infection. oh, and Audrey ended up having a horrible reaction to the antibiotics which resulted in a major rash on her cheeks and a yeasty diaper rash on her behind. just when we thought we could all breath easy, Will came down with the sinus infection and has been in bed sleeping it off for 18 hours straight now.

so, where have i been? hunkered down, trying to get through each day one at a time. i managed to get all of my Christmas shopping done one day and bought myself a new pair of earrings and a beautiful mustard colored jersey wrap in the process because let's face it, i deserved it! you can't call in sick when you're a mom. you can't hide in your bed and sleep for 18 hours straight (lucky Will!). you can't neglect making your child lunch, picking up toys, giving baths and vacuuming up fallen Cheerios from the dining room floor even though your head is pounding and you you can't breathe out of your left nostril (which, by the way, drives me insane). we survived. i'm hopeful that once Will sleeps this thing off, he will be feeling better in time for Christmas. in the meantime, can someone pour me a glass of wine?

sick baby bear :(

i have tons more to update on, including a visit from Grandma and Grandpa Gertz and hilarious Santa pictures of Will and Audrey. stay tuned.

UPDATE: Will woke up and did not feel better so he went to the doctor and tested positive for the flu. i quarantined him to the bedroom..... and poured my own glass of wine.
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