Friday, September 14

my friday.

7:30 am: alarm goes off, i hit snooze -- it was rainy and gloomy this morning and i didn't feel like getting up!
7:40 am: alarm goes off, snooze!
7:50 am: alarm goes off, snooze!
8:00 am: alarm goes off, then Will calls needing some information for our bank account so i finally get up, pour coffee, take a quick shower
9:00 am: check email, talk to one of my photographer friends in Missouri about possibly using her magical touch with photo editing to see if she has a few minutes to touch up some pictures, reply to a few messages on Facebook
10:00 am: Audrey wakes up, out of jammies, diaper change, breakfast bottle
10:30 am: leave for the store to re-shoot Audrey's pictures with Brooklyn (we used the same outfit and same background trying to re-create her previous photo shoot)
12:00 pm: return home, diaper change and Audrey goes down for a nap
12:15 pm: download the new pictures, crop, and send to my friend to touch up
1:30 pm: make to-do list for when i go back to the store to take pictures of our new arrivals and sale items, read a chapter of my book
2:30 pm: Audrey wakes up, diaper change, lunch bottle
2:45 pm: head back to the store to work!
4:30 pm: arrive home, diaper change, Audrey goes down for a nap
4:45 pm: change clothes, get ready to go to dinner (normally Will and i have date night every Friday but tonight we're going to Jen and Keith's house for family dinner, normally on Sunday, since Cliff is home from school for the weekend)
5:45 pm: Will gets home from work, takes a shower, i get everything ready to go so we can leave as soon as she wakes up
6:15 pm: chat with Will, twiddle thumbs...waaaaake up Audrey!!!
6:45 pm: Audrey wakes up, diaper change, leave for dinner
7:00 pm: arrive at Keith and Jen's house, eat dinner (tonight is steak, baked potato, salad, and spinach casserole -- Audrey LOVED the spinach casserole!) and relax with the family, Audrey chases Benji around the house and makes a commotion in her squeaky shoes
8:30 pm: head home, Will fixes her bottle while i get her ready for bed
8:45 pm: bedtime bottle and snuggles, i am totally in love with this girl!! i could snuggle her FOREVER!
9:00 pm: Cliff comes over to hang out and we play darts, i have a much needed glass of wine, Will and Cliff talk hunting (boring!) so i update my blog and send out a few invoices for work :)

i don't want to give away anything from Audrey's new pictures (you should get one in your invitation -- i'm sending them out to everyone, even my Michigan family even though i know they can't come, because i want them to know that i truly wish they could all be there to help us celebrate our life changing year with our amazing daughter!) but....i will show you this, BLOOPERS! hehehe

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