Friday, September 14

my wednesday.

yes, yes i know it's friday but this week has seriously gotten away from me! plus, i had wednesday all typed out and when i went to post it, vamoos! gone! so, here is my wednesday:

8:30 am: alarm goes off (i couldn't fall asleep right away and ended up reading a little and then a lot, so i gave myself an extra hour to sleep. it was fabulous! so thanks, me!!!) get ready for the day, pour coffee, finish book (couldn't help it! i only had one chapter left!)
9:30 am: check email, confirm pest control is coming to spray today, make to-do list
10:30 am: Audrey wakes up, out of jammies, diaper change, breakfast bottle
11:00 am: read books with Audrey, play 3,592 games of pattycake because she seems a little cranky this morning and nothing makes her smile like pattycake over and over and over. she is starting to mimick the rolling and patting hand motions though -- smarty pants!
12:00 pm: Audrey down for a nap, i start the daunting task of putting everything up that i don't want pest spray on, do dishes, wash bottles, vacuum, mop, dust
2:30 pm: Audrey up, diaper change, lunch bottle
3:00 pm: pest control and landlord both come over, Audrey and i go for a walk
3:45 pm: back home, Audrey plays with her activity cube while i work, Audrey "helps" me on the computer, Trey stops by to say hey and play with Audrey for a few minutes
5:30 pm: diaper change and Audrey goes down for a nap, i resume working
5:45 pm: Will gets home from work, hello and goodbye again, showers and leaves for class 20 minutes later
6:45 pm: Audrey starts to stir, pop some green beans in the steamer and cut up a pear, diaper change, and get her settled in her high chair
7:15 pm: clean up from dinner, quick change into workout attire and we are off on our jog!
8:00 pm: back from jog, Audrey gets a bath
8:30 pm: bedtime bottle, snuggles and sleep, shower for me
9:00 pm: Will gets home sometime while i'm in the shower, we catch up, makes dinner (tonight is deer nuggets again! had to use the rest of the back strap while it was still fresh)
10:00 pm: Will falls asleep after dinner, i start a new book
11:00 pm: we both go to bed :)

note: i just noticed that my blog has a total of over TEN THOUSAND views! ohmygosh! i love it! thank you to all my readers out there!! :) i hope this little "day in the life" series has been enlightening and not too boring. we are off to dinner with Will's parents but i'll catch up from thursday (hectic) and today (even more hectic) this evening or tomorrow

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